Friday, August 30, 2013

22 Weeks

When I was 17-20 weeks I was feeling amazing! These past two weeks have not been so good to me which was a little disappointing. I have had so much stomach pain from indigestion to the point I will get a low grade fever. It hasn't been very comfortable and I think this added to me being emotional. Emotional to a totally irrational level of crying about everything! Hoping this ends soon and that I can finish enjoying my second trimester.

I have loved rocking the growing belly though, and I can feel her a lot more now. Rolling around, bouncing around but my favourite is when she gives me a good kick! Taylor loves getting the chance to feel her kick, rare but sometimes she will kick hard enough that he can feel them. Such a fun moment to share with him, melts my heart.

This was the best shot we got of Baby Phillips from my 20 wk ultra sound

She did a little dance for us, and the ultra sound tech said she was a very active baby! I have an anterior placenta which means its harder for me to feel the baby move but when I do I enjoy ever second of it.

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