Thursday, January 10, 2013

Seeing Clearer

Going to the gym alone just totally de-junks my brain. I feel like life makes sense and I can see things for how they really are in a much more positive light. I just can't help but look back over the past year and see all that has been accomplished and be happy with my life. I had so many goals for this past year and I would dare to say that I didn't do a single one. Which might sound disappointing right? Nope! 

Instead I fulfilled new goals and dreams I had forgotten I even had or never knew I had.

-I didn't have a baby, but my husband and I have been so strengthened and there is so much love in our home waiting for when we do have a child. 
-I didn't graduate with my bachelors but instead I became a personal trainer which has been so much more fulfilling.
-I turned down a job at a gym to work retail which landed me a Managers position getting me way further into a career then expected. Only from a tiny feeling Tay and I both had.
-We wanted to get pregnant again but we couldn't and now were going to do service work in Africa!

Taylor is graduating in only four months (which was not planned) and if you know me you'll know I like to plan out my life meticulously and this was not in the plans I made. Which made me a little angry because I always think I have the perfect plan for us and when it doesn't work out the way I thought it should I get scared. But this morning I was able to look back on all the things that worked out not even close to planned. Every time we have ended up happy, healthy, and in love! So bring on the next adventure world we're ready to do anything because I know we can handle a curve ball :)

I may think I know how life should be but the Lord always had a better plan.


Lindsay said...

Hey Martha, enjoyed your post. You are amazing and it is fun to read about your life even though we only cross paths randomly. I need to be better at calling you. It's amazing how the Lord has such a hand in our lives and I am feeling that as well. Somehow the Lord is going to push me into being who I need to be by throwing all sorts of hard things my way. Love you!! Linds

The Mills said...

Martha- hey how do you stay so skinny? I see you've lost some weight what have you been doing?