Saturday, April 28, 2012

Emergency Kit - Fantastic

Taylor and I are on the road a lot! Often I am searching for an advil, bobby pin or a file/nail clippers. Then I saw this idea here for an emergency kit. I made mine more like a conveniant kit that we keep in our car. Within the first week it has already come so in handy - I would say this is a must have craft and only cost me $1.

What I did:
I picked up a pack of two hot pads from the local dollar store. 

1. I sewed about six baggies to one of the pads and then sewed the pads together.
(tip first tape down the baggies so they don't slide around while sewing)

2. I sewed a button on one side.

3. Sewed a little hair elastic to the other side.

Done it should look like this! Wasn't that sooooooo simple - love it.

What I put inside:
Nail File
Nail Clippers
Hair Elastic
Bobby Pins
Medicated Lip Chap
Sun Screen
Granola Bar

So simple and so great to have all these little things in the car because you usually don't have them when you feel you most need them! I was also able to fit a lot into mine.

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