Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Breath of Life

It is way past my bed time, I am usually in bed at 11:00 and fall asleep quickly but tonight my mind just kept racing so I finally had to get out of bed to poke around on the internet hoping this would remind me how tired I truly am.

I ended up on a family friends blog, her sister past away and left her baby behind over a year ago. I had only met her a couple of time buts she was a beautiful girl and had such taste for style and life from what I knew of her. But they welcomes this new addition into their family and you can see that she has brought such joy into their lives. Although I am not ready to have a child I will patiently wait until I am because I see how much of a blessing they are.
 It just got me thinking about how lately I haven't been taken advantage of these moments I have with my husband, tv shows, blogging and many other meaningless tasks consume our evenings and then the next thing we know its bed time and we repeat our days over again. 

All this thinking reminded me of this picture from our wedding. It hangs above our bed and it is my favourite, Taylor's expression just moves me in this picture. In all the hustle and bustle of getting married, it was hard to take moments for just us since everyone had just driven miles or days to see us. But here in this pictures he just looks like he is breathing in the moment. Closing his eyes and just absorbing his surrounding. I am going to try and do that exact thing more often.

Lets all make time to take a deep breath of those blissful moments in life, and if you can't find one you better go make one because life has been known to slip away.

1 comment:

Ashley Jane Reina said...

Inspiring Martha! Thanks for the reminder! I took a moment to breath in the fall yesterday on a walk with Oliver. Very fun. I love you!!