Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Greek Inspired Headbands

I just released a new greek inspired line of headband in my etsy shop. They can all be found right HERE.

I'm just in love with how simple and stunning they look! I have told a lot considering they just hit the shop two days ago. So fun creating things that people love :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

8 Months

These months just keep flying by much to fast!

This month she has:
Learned to crawl on all four
Trying to pull herself up onto things
Actually started eating solids, she loves banana, pumpkin and mango. Hates sweet potato, is allergic to avocado, and refuses to eat green beans.
She loves crawling around and getting into power cords, eating random lint off the ground when I'm not looking.
She stills weighs just under 15 lbs and is wearing 3-6 month clothes.